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The Incubator

Financial stress is real; financial independence is critical; & financial freedom is rewarding. 


The Circle Road Foundation will actively work with individuals in recovery so career skills are learned, self-confidence is returned, and professional responsibility is embraced. Working with it's treatment partners, the Circle Road Foundation will offer recovering addicts scholarships for higher education, entry level jobs, and an entrepreneurship program that promotes business ownership.



  • Providing entry level jobs at existing business to give addicts in early recovery an opportunity to earn a living so they can concentrate on recovery rather than all the anxiety financial stress creates.  


  • Sponsor an Entrepreneur Program that provides business mentoring and support for those with the desire, capacity, and structure to open their own business. 


  • Addiction often derails an individuals educational dreams. The CRF, through educational scholarships, will assist those hoping to restart their goal of obtaining their GED, associates or even college degree. â€‹



Barista at Work

Creating a new identity through achievement is what catapults those in recovery forward. The Community’s career services program will be designed so individuals have the training, options, and motivation they need to create that new identity. Through the three avenues outlined above, The Incubator will provide the assistance individuals need to gain financial independence while maintaining their commitment to recovery.  

We would be grateful for your support in bridging the gap in recovery!

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